Our solutions

For car dealers

The traction battery represents around 40% of the cost of a new electric vehicle, and even more for used vehicles – replacing the battery may cost more than the whole value of the car. The battery is the key component that determines the vehicle's range and performance.

Our solutions allow dealers to conduct battery health checks and certify the battery state of health (SoH) for EVs in stock. By alleviating car-buyer concerns about battery degradation and the real-world range of used electric vehicles, we help increase stock turn and maximise margins.

ev battery testing for car dealers
ev battery testing for car dealers
Educate customers

Our certificates help your customers understand real-world range in summer, winter, urban and motorway driving.

Manage manufacturer warranties

Our certificates show the remaining manufacturer warranty time and mileage.

Improve customer retention

Our battery monitoring service gives you a digital touchpoint with your customers and helps them understand how to get the most out of their new EV.

Increase stock turn

Sell EV's faster by giving customers more confidence in the vehicle they are buying.

For vehicle leasing

We recognise the significant risk to leasing companies making significant capital investments in vehicles with unpredictable future values.

Determining the future value of used ICE vehicles is difficult enough, but it is even more challenging for used EVs, creating a pressing need for a way to optimise their remarketing efforts and develop new customer-centric experiences.

ev battery testing for car leasing
ev battery testing for car leasing
Reduce wear-and-tear of your fleet
Create customer-centric experiences with connected vehicles

Our battery monitoring service gives you a digital touchpoint with your customers. We help them get the most out of their vehicle and understand the impact of their driving and charging habits.

Improve residual values

We provide users with gamified tips and personalised advice on how to get more range, drive efficiently and look after their battery. This ensures that your vehicles are returned in a good state.

Our battery assessments and vehicle monitoring allow you to improve residual values and differentiate your vehicles in the market.

For fleets

Use our hardware-free EV monitoring solution to avoid downtime, reduce battery degradation, manage your warranties and maximise residual values.

ev battery testing for fleet mamangers
ev battery testing for fleet mamangers
Reduce battery degradation
No expensive hardware

Our powerful solutions use connected vehicle data to provide live individual vehicle data points via API's to facilitate internal predictive modelling, analysis and reporting.

Avoid downtime

Our remote battery monitoring solution provides deep insights into how EV's on your fleet are being used, charged and discharged so improvements can be made to reduce downtime.

We enable you to identify the EVs in your fleet that are at high risk of early battery degradation and most likely to suffer from a reduced real-world range.

For EV owners

Remotely connect your electric vehicle and start monitoring its battery health and performance today.

Improve your EV's range and performance

Use and charge your EV as you would normally. We will send you our regular tips and advice on how to improve your car's battery health, as well as a battery assessment.

Protect your EV's value

When the time comes to sell or part-exchange your EV, reassure buyers with a Generational Battery Certificate and sell at the best price.

Simple signup

Simply remotely connect your electric car to our platform using the same credentials you use to sign into your car manufacturer app. No expensive OBD readers, no faff.


How it works

Drive normally

We send you tips, advice and your Certificate

In under 2 minutes

2-5 charge cycles

Direct to your Inbox